My Maker Story – What got you started?

Before I even knew there was such a thing as a Maker Movement I had been interested in creating and learning. My Dad got me started, he was an avid woodworker, dabbled in Electronics and developed his own photographs. We built quite a few things out of wood, and he taught me a variety of hobbies. He even helped me learn enough about some basic electronics to make a metronome from scratch and win an award at my 6th Grade Science Fair.

My Dad is not in the best of health now, but thankfully he is still around to ask some questions and carry on his legacy of learning and exploration. My main hobby over the last few years has been woodworking with a wide variety of power and hand tools he had given me.

More recently I have started to explore electronics again. Unfortunately it has been quite a few decades so I forgot almost everything. No worries though, a lot has changed with the technological advances, like Arduino, etc…so I am probably better off not thinking I know stuff that is not accurate.

With this blog I am not trying to pretend I know everything and that I personally am the ‘Maker Authority’, it is quite the opposite. I have been having trouble finding a resource that covers all the things I want to learn, so my goal is that as I find the resources or learn the concepts, I can pass them on to the ever growing Maker Movement followers. Together we can advance the technology and solutions available to make life a little easier. (And hopefully have some fun and make money while doing it).

I am not a scientist or engineer so I figure if I can learn it than anyone can learn it!

My Dad was a Biochemist and my Mom was a Nurse, but somehow the sciences were always more difficult for me. (…Marketing and business concepts were easy for me, which is why I do Web Design as my primary business.) That being said I do enjoy making stuff and creating tangible items.

After watching the last season of America’s Greatest Makers I thought to myself, this is a great creative community that I want to be a part of. I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship and the inventors and makers on that show were very inspiring.

I would love to hear your story, what was it that got you interested in becoming a Maker? Was it something in your childhood, an innate curiosity, something you saw or did recently?